A mission statement and a logo

Mission Statement Musings (The Kurtlocker):

“Duc In Altum!” (Put out into the deep!) - Jesus, Luke 5:4

When we were collaborating on what to call this new venture we had a few ideas: 2 Guys 1 Mic (Josh’s idea), Musings From a Lawn Chair, among others.  We settled on “What If We…?” for the podcast and thought that would be the end of it, after all it was a perfect name.  Then I thought about what we wanted the podcast to be, a call to action to invest in ourselves more and go a little bit deeper than surface level thoughts.  Josh agreed and said we needed to look at the bigger picture of what we could do here.  Why limit ourselves to just a podcast when that would narrow the scope of our vision?  We both took a long look at what would encapsulate the ideology of growing as people and taking the extra step.  It was Josh who had the “monkey touch monolith” moment and declared us to be the Duc In Altum Media Co (DIAMC).  When Christ told Peter to  put out into the deep, it seemed silly.  After all Peter knew how to fish, it was his livelihood for many years.  However, when he did as Christ told him to and followed the plan, Peter was blessed with an abundance of wealth so great he literally didn’t know what to do with it all!  Peter tried to do things the same old way as usual, but Christ called him (and us) to try something different and go a little bit deeper.  We have answered that call in many ways and this venture is no different, as we try to push ourselves to expand our horizons.  Consider this a call to action to all of you who come along on the journey with us, go a little deeper, take the extra step and try something new.

The Logo Musings (Yoesh)

As much as a mission statement is important, so too is branding. It is for this reason that we unveil to you (insert drumroll) the DIAMC logo. This logo is a testament not only to DIAMC, but Andrew and I’s faith and the friendship we have formed over the course of nearly 6 years (crazy I know). At the center of the logo is a combination of two symbols related to our Catholic faith. The first image is that of the Icthys, an ancient Christian symbol in the form of a fish which would have been used to mark one as a follower of Jesus Christ, who is the Son of God. Much could be said about this particular image and its greater meaning in Christian thought, however for our purposes we are looking at the personal significance. This image has played a central role in my life since my conversion to Christ freshman year of high school and for Andrew and I’s friendship was the image that marked us as belonging to our household Fishers of Men (shoutout to da boiz). The Icthys reminds us of our calling to be Fishers of Men, to go out into the deep, and to take up our crosses in following Christ. The second image is that of the Auspice Maria, a symbol used by Catholics to denote one who is under the protection of Mary, the Mother of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. As members of our household we recognize Mary as the first to heed the call to go deep. Mary gave her complete and total yes to God allowing Christ to be brought to the whole world. We place DIAMC and all of our endeavors under the protection of Mary and in everything we do we remind ourselves to go out into the deep!


We are Mind AND Body